Teucrium fruticans




Lamiaceae (family name)
Forage for Pollinators: Nectar and Pollen, major source, notably visited throughout the day from early morning to evening by a large number of bees including Short and Long-tongued Bumblebees, Grey solitary bees and Honeybees. The corolla tube is relatively short and nectar lodges on hairs of the corolla wall. The estimated depth to nectar ranged from 5.1 – 6.1, but never exceeding the Honeybees depth threshold of 6.5mm – (Extract from ‘Journal of Applied Ecology’ “A graphical aid to forecasting pollinator performance” authors: S.Corbet, N.Saville, M.Fussell, O.Prys-Jones, D.Unwin)
Flowering times: May, June, July, August, September, October, November
Growing information:EVERGREEN SHRUB with typical blue flowers of this family, which, on warm days carries the most beautiful, sweet, lemony scent on the air around this wonderful shrub, so it is easily to understand why it attracts so many bees. Growing fast to 1m high by up to 4m wide, it tolerates well being clipped back after flowering, though a clip to tidy is sufficient, though can be trained into tidy shapes or hedges, bees prefers the ragged, open form it naturally grows to. Prefers well-drained and alkaline soil, tolerating poor soil, however we successfully grow these on acid soil (around pH5). Prefers a sheltered site, in full sun, and is extremely drought tolerant. Native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean it has been a garden plant here since the 1700’s. ‘Teucrium’ is thought to have been named after the legendary ancient Greek king of Troy, Teucer, who believed these plants to be medicinal.